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Apex Concrete

Concrete Sealants: What You Need To Know

Applying a sealant to a new paving project is smart because it helps strengthen, protect, and enhance the final product. Here’s a brief guide to concrete sealants.

4 Things About Concrete Sealants

Types of Sealants

Sealants can be broken into two main categories: film forming and penetrating. Film-forming sealants are mostly for decorative work since they protect only the surface. They are ideal for highlighting colours on acid stained or stamped floors. Penetrating sealants, on the other hand, move deep inside and chemically react with the concrete to form a dense, durable protective barrier.


Temperature and Sealants

It’s important to pay attention to temperature when applying sealants because temperature plays a crucial role in how well sealants cure. The ideal temperature for applying sealants with a concrete company is 50-90 degrees F. If the temperature is too low the sealant won’t harden and cure properly resulting in a weak finish. If the temperature is too high it’s difficult to apply the sealant because it sets too quickly. It may not form a protective film because it’s not applied evenly, or the sealant may blister and bubble.

Applying Sealant with a Paving Company

Like many projects, applying sealant begins with the right preparation. The surface must be clean and dry. Read all label instructions, and take the proper precautions to avoid contact with the sealant. Work to achieve complete coverage; usually it’s best to apply two or three thin coats with adequate drying time between applications. For a simple and easy approach, a concrete company can apply sealant for you.

Caring for Sealant

Once applied by a concrete company, there’s little maintenance required for sealants other than an occasional simple cleaning. Plan to reapply the sealant every one to three years depending on the type of sealant used, the local weather conditions, and the wear and tear on your concrete.

Apex Concrete is ready to take your outdoor space to the next level. As a professional concrete company in Calgary, we know how to customize our services to suit your style and taste. All year round, Apex Concrete is here to help you. Call us today on 403-333-6633.

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